Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I will have some books available to use in-class

Okay, I got stake approval to purchase a limited # of books for the class. Yeah! I'll probably order about 10-12 books to have on hand.

We will be using this book:

Facebook group created

I've also created a facebook group called:
"Aurora Stake - Emergency Communication Group"

If you're on facebook feel free to join also.

Aurora Stk - Ham Radio Classes

Ham Radio Class
Beginning Thu. Jan. 8th @ 7-8 pm for Six weeks

In a Katrina-like disaster, a battery powered HAM radio may be the only means of communication!

As part of the Stake Emergency Communication plan we need lots of trained radio operators.

Please contact Bro. Adam Hiatt, the stake communications specialist, if you are currently a Ham Radio Operator.

Anyone of any age (from 6 yrs. +) who is interested in getting basic training toward passing the basic 35 multiple-choice question FCC Ham radio License test is invited to attend a six week course (NO morse code required).

All answers and questions are pre-published from an FCC test bank.

Classes will be at the Laredo Building, 950 Laredo St., Aurora, CO
(need not attend all six classes).

Please contact Adam Hiatt for an accurate class count @ 720-838-4575
(*Scouts: could be used for the Radio Merit badge).

Hellow & Welcome

Hello & Welcome to the Aurora Stake ERRS (Emergency Radio & Relay Service) blog. I will be posting information on the upcoming ham radio classes to be sponsored by the Aurora Stake very shortly.

